
We heard about Koji from our friends Marta Kieta and Susan Young. They had been involved with pet rescue at the Dekalb County Animal Shelter. He had been adopted out once before by a Japanese lady who named him Koji (we were told it means "peace" in Japanese). In short, it didn't work out and she returned him to the shelter where they kept him in the very back for over a year and was now scheduled to be euthanized in a matter of days. We agreed to visit and meet him and found him to be highly energetic and friendly so we took him home as a foster pet.

The more we got to know his personality the more we fell in love with him. He has very low prey drive, is not possessive, and loves to be loved. We formally adopted him at the end of 2023 as a member of the fam.

He goes by a few names. When he is that playful dog, he is Koji. When he gets excited and jumps up to greet you teeth first, he is Mojo. And then sometimes he so sweet that you can't decide if it's a he or a she, and he gets his full Japanese name: Koji Mojo Hishi.

Web_Koji Face

This is that loveable face with the big floppy ears.

Web_Koji Christmas 2023

We dressed him up in a red sweater for Christmas.

Web_Koji at night

His shadowy profile at night looks like one of those scary half-wolf creatures in the movies.

Web_Koji profile

We had his DNA tested just before we adopted him. He is 50 percent purebred boxer and 50 percent bully mix.

Web_Koji Ball!

His favorite toy is the Kong Jumble Ball - a large chewy rubber ball with a small tennis ball inside that makes it wobble and a squeaker that sounds like his is killing it.

Web_Koji Studio Dawg

At heart, he is a lover of comfort and warm bodies. He can chill on the studio couch for hours.