Category: Fun Times

July 4 2017 Weekend

We had a nice long weekend this year. Dad, Dan, and Joe joined us over the weekend from Saturday until Monday, and Dick and Jill had their pool party on Tuesday, the 4th. The fireworks were awesome, as usual. Here's the link to a video on David's FB page.


Here we are, soaking up whatever rays can make it through the reflection of the pool into the gazebo. This was a little over a week past David's heart attack. The weight loss was one nice benefit. Diane's smile is infectious.

Web D&D

Dad soaked up a little sun on the big swan. I hope that's me when I'm 86.

Dad in the swan

This was the family just before dinner together on Sunday night at the Marietta Fish Market. L-R: David, Diane, Chuck, Don, Leslie, Beth, Dan, Richard, Jill, Dad, Joe.

IMG_3136 Group

On the 4th, the gazebo was packed, with Richard's big egg (L) producing some fine BBQ beef, pork, and turkey for everybody. There were two long tables of food on the right and plenty of places to snack and catch up.

Web Poolside

Nice lazy afternoon by the pool.

Web Table talk

They was throwin' the sack near the deep end.


Web Hackey sack

I got a cool picture of Chuck here. The water plant seems to be reaching out to his face.


Web Chuck

Leslie is shown here setting up for beer pong.

Web BeerPongPrep

Beer pong in full swing. Amy and Niki vs Leslie and Chuck. I actually did capture the ball in mid air, but it looked more like a white cloud than a ping pong ball. Thanks, Photoshop, for a better solution.

Web Beer pong

Just had to include a shot from the garden by the pool. The flowers were so beautiful.

Web Garden closeup

Leslie's friend Reem and her husband Khaled flew in from Qatar. It was great to have them with us.

Web Rheem and hubby

This is George. He has the right idea. Red white and blue shutter shades.

Web Patriotic shades

Leonard Cousins Reunion 2017

Cousins Reunion Group Shot

We held our first ever Leonard Cousins Reunion at One Love Cafe on Sunday, May 21, 2017. There were about 30 of us who came, representing every branch of the descendants of C.B. and Homer Leonard. In this picture, from L-R are:

David Leonard, Diane Leonard, Mark Wamsley, Pam Wamsley, Dan Leonard, Jerry Brown, John Leonard, Mary Brown, Cliff Denny, Jean Leonard, Juli Denny, Tawanna Leonard, Don Leonard, Jerry Leonard, Jenny Jackson, Steve Leonard, Shelly Delacrosse, Ralph Delacrosse, Lou Townsend, Peter Townsend, Jim Leonard, Kathy, Noah Lamere, Jamie Lamere, Angelina Lamere, Mike Lamere, Annabelle Lamere.

David made a video especially for the occasion, using photographs that were sent in by the cousins. I think the highlight was Uncle Jim's famous joke about Archibald Holman. Due to copyright restrictions on the musical content, it was not allowed to be uploaded to Facebook. However, if you click Nana's picture, you'll be able to enjoy it for yourself!



Dad was tickled pink to be here! Love that grin.


Lookin' good as ever.

Jenny and Aunt Jean pose for the camera as Steve looks on. Some people just never seem to age.


The Jack Leonard Side

Steve, Jenny, Shelly and Peter, doin' what they do best - blowing up the camera!



Johnny was a big help to me in setting things up. We took his Porsche all over Gainesville buying nametags, poster board, and other odds and ends.


Jamie & Shelly

It was a treat for me to finally get to meet my cousin Barbara's child Jamie in person. I wish Babs could have been here, but unfortunately there was a medical condition that kept her away.


Dan & Diane

Two peas in a pod who know how to enjoy themselves!

Jim (Testing)


I was setting up the group shot and Jim volunteered to make sure the camera was working. You still got it, buddy!

David (bad)


Looks like I'm sleep-walking my way through this event. But I'm sleep-walking with a smile!

Don (cropped)


Brother Don came down from Atlanta to Tallahassee and drove Dad and Tawanna over to Gainesville Sunday morning. Dan drove in straight from church in Bainbridge.



Tell me that's not the Cheshire cat grin on Steve's face.. Jerry's got a good spot under the fan.